Why Everyone Should Be Using Eco Friendly Toilet Roll
In recent years, toilet paper has been a hot topic. When you consider how reliant we are on it, this certainly makes sense. Our society has shifted and we are now encouraged to be more environmentally conscious. Our consumer choices reflect this, as people wish to minimise damage caused to our planet.
In light of this, manufacturers have worked tirelessly to create eco friendly toilet roll that is kinder to the environment. In this article we are going to explore sustainable toilet roll and why, we believe, everyone should be using it.
Why Do We Need Eco Friendly Toilet Roll?
It may surprise people to know, but it is estimated that 27,000 trees are cut down every day just to make toilet paper. This is because toilet paper is made using both softwood and hardwood trees. Both of these trees have different fibers, which resultantly give the paper different strengths. The two are usually combined to achieve the strength percentage seen in common toilet paper.
Not only that, but chemicals and bleaches are heavily involved in the manufacturing process. Besides the actual manufacturing process there are other things to consider. These include the packaging (which is usually plastic) used to store the toilet paper, as well as the transportation solutions used to deliver it.

When you start to break it down, our excessive use (and demand) of toilet paper has surprisingly negative effects on the environment around us. So to align themselves with sustainability, people are opting for eco friendly options.
What Is Eco Friendly Toilet Roll?
So, eco friendly toilet roll: what is it? This form of loo paper attempts to combat negative environmental impacts by following a cleaner manufacturing process and using sustainable materials. There are a number of eco friendly toilet roll options on the market today.
Two of the most popular options are recycled and bamboo. There are, however, options emerging everyday as we strive to make choices that are best for both the environment as well as ourselves. Family cloth, for example, is an increasingly popular option in which you reuse/ wash it after use.
The Different Types of Eco Friendly Toilet Roll
Firstly, we have recycled toilet paper. This tends to use post and pre-consumer sources (off-cuts from printers, newspapers, office paper). Although less energy and water are used to create recycled paper, chemicals are still heavily involved in the production process. Bamboo, on the other hand, is a fantastic environmentally friendly toilet paper alternative.
Bamboo is an extremely sustainable material as it grows quickly in inhospitable conditions, doesn’t require a lot of water and doesn’t need any pesticides and herbicides to grow. The vast majority of companies offering bamboo sustainable toilet roll also tend to avoid plastic packaging. They instead offer paper or compostable packaging.

The Benefits Of Sustainable Toilet Roll
Below we have listed some of the notable benefits of using sustainable toilet roll. By opting for environmentally conscious options, you are able to experience many positives. Additionally, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that you are making a positive contribution towards our collective environmental commitments. It’s a win win!
- Erases or decreases the amount of trees that need to be cut down in the production of toilet paper.
- The manufacturing of bamboo toilet roll, for example, uses less chemicals than recycled toilet paper, and significantly less than normal toilet roll.
- Less materials/ energy are needed for the manufacturing process.
- Reduction in plastic packaging.
Why Should I Use Eco Friendly Toilet Roll?
In this article, we have outlined what sustainable toilet roll is and how, exactly, it is made. So, why should you opt for environmentally conscious options? Well, for a number of reasons. Chiefly, deforestation is a large issue. If we can all make a contribution towards tackling it, it will result in a large and substantial collective effort. Afterall, trees give us oxygen and give life to our planet’s wildlife. Equally, the chemicals and bleaches involved in the manufacturing process of toilet paper are harmful. If there are ways to sidestep this, which eco friendly companies have demonstrated is possible, we believe we should all embrace it.
Panda Soft: Leading Providers of Eco Friendly Toilet Roll
We hope you enjoyed our article outlining the benefits and importance of eco friendly toilet roll. This is a cause close to all of us here at Panda Soft. As a leading supplier of bamboo toilet paper, we are committed to helping people live a more sustainable lifestyle. Click here to explore our product options!